Friday, April 29, 2011

April 2011 recommendations

Europe 2020 Flagship: An Industrial Policy for the Globalization Era

European Commission: Entreprise and Industry

In this era of intensifying globalization, the concept of national sectors and industries is obsolete. Coordinated European policy responses are needed. Europe also needs an approach that looks at the whole value chain, from infrastructure and raw materials to after-sales service. Promoting the creation and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises has to be at the core of EU industrial policy. Moreover, the transition to a sustainable economy has to be seized as an opportunity to strengthen competitiveness. Only a European Industrial Policy targeting competitiveness and sustainability can muster the critical mass of change and coordination needed for success. This report outlines ten key actions to stimlate European industrial competitiveness.

Clusters, Convergence and Economic Performance
Mercedes Delgado, Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern

This paper evaluates the role of regional cluster composition in the economic performance of industries, clusters and regions. On the one hand, diminishing returns to specialization in a location can result in a convergence effect: the growth rate of an industry within a region may be declining in the level of activity of that industry. At the same time, positive spillovers across complementary economic activities provide an impetus for agglomeration: the growth rate of an industry within a region may be increasing in the size and “strength” (i.e., relative presence) of related economic sectors. Building on Porter's previous work the paper develops a systematic empirical framework to identify the role of regional clusters – groups of closely related and complementary industries operating within a particular region – in regional economic performance. It exploits newly available data from the US Cluster Mapping Project to disentangle the impact of convergence at the region-industry level from agglomeration within clusters. It finds that, after controlling for the impact of convergence at the narrowest unit of analysis, there is significant evidence for cluster-driven agglomeration. Industries participating in a strong cluster register higher employment growth as well as higher growth of wages, number of establishments, and patenting.

What goes into a single complex product

The last blog was all about what happens to a single pig.

If a single commdity ends up spread throughout the economy -what does it take to make a product.
What goes into a single product.

The web is full videos of people pulling things apart. I find this fascinating given that the paper I currently have in development is one on the relationship between the modularity of products and the global trade structure.

Here is one just one example: Taking apart an IPhone 4.

Go find your own favourite.

What happens to commodities

Have you ever wondered where the elements of a single commodity might end up.

This is simply amazing - it is the story of where a single pig ends up.

The economic connectome

While some scientists are prepared to entain the idea of mapping the connectome of brains, the idea is a great analogy of what we need to do at the level of the international economy.

What idustries are connected to what industries in what countries. Perhaps the World Input-Output database will get us started but just as with neuroscience we need new tools and new concepts for tackling the task.

Enjoy the video.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Consider Canada's cities

I missed this when it was first announced as I was travelling. It is an interesting development that the cities of Canada have begun joining forces to attract FDI and encorage trade. Economic Development Agencies from Canada’s Large “C-11” Cities Agree to Promote International Trade and Investment with New Unified Brand - Innovation America

There is no mention yet that they will be a force in lobbying Canadian Governments regarding funding, but that has to be on the cards and soon. As a forthcoming event at the University of Toronto alludes to the current election has exactly set an agenda of development. see